Personal Finance

Here’s How to Make Money as a Blogger

Blogging takes time, dedication, and hard work. However, if you’re willing to put in the effort, it can bring you a ton of opportunities and yes, even money. First things first, understand that blogging won’t earn you money overnight. It’s a journey, not a sprint. But if you stick with it and keep pushing forward, you’ll start to see the results. Here’s how you can get started on your blogging journey. Find Your Niche The first step with any kind of business or side hustle is to find your niche, and blogging is no different. Have a think- what are you passionate about? What do you have knowledge or expertise in? It’s impossible to come up with a completely unique idea, but you will need to know what kind of direction you plan on going in. It could be fashion, food, travel, or technology, or you could blog about your…

Performance Measurements: The Pulse of Your Business

In business, keeping an eye on performance measurements is vital for keeping up with its vital signs and making informed decisions to keep the business flourishing. But which key performance measurements should we be familiar with? Let’s go over them now! Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash ROI: The Bottom Line Savior Investment without consideration of Return on Investment (ROI) can be like sailing without a compass. ROI is a financial metric used to measure the probability of earning returns from investments relative to costs. Its positive value indicates calm seas ahead; conversely if its negative values indicate stormy waters ahead. Therefore, keeping tabs on ROI helps ensure your investments are paying off while simultaneously steering your business in the right direction. GIPS: The Global Standard Bearer When it comes to measuring performance in the investment industry, GIPS is the go-to framework. Consisting of industry-wide ethical principles which provide firms with…

How to Manifest a Job: A Step-by-Step Guide

Manifesting a job can be a challenging task, especially in today’s competitive job market. However, with the right mindset and approach, it is possible to attract the perfect job opportunity into your life. Manifestation is the process of bringing your desires into reality by aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards a specific goal. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to manifest your dream job and achieve your career goals. Understanding manifestation is key to successfully manifesting a job. It involves acknowledging that your thoughts and emotions have a powerful impact on your reality. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract positive experiences into your life. Setting clear intentions is also essential in the manifestation process. This involves identifying what you want in a job, such as the type of company culture, salary, and job responsibilities. Once you have a clear understanding…

5 Essentials To Keep Your Business Afloat

Recent years have been difficult for all businesses. No matter what type of business you have or what industry you work in, there will always be times when your business struggles. However, if you’ve put contingency plans in place from the start, it should be enough to keep you afloat. If you’re wondering how to keep your business going in tough times, you’ve come to the right place. Take a look at what you can do. Save For a Rainy Day It may be easier said than done, especially if you own a small business but saving for a rainy day can cover a multitude of sins. You can never be fully prepared for everything that happens when owning a business; the unexpected will always catch you out. Get into the habit of putting a percentage of the business earnings in a savings account. Not only is this a good…

How to Get Free Money on PayPal: Tips and Tricks

PayPal is one of the most popular online payment platforms used by millions of people worldwide. It is a convenient way to send and receive money, pay bills, and shop online. However, did you know that you can also earn free money on PayPal? Yes, you read that right! There are several ways to earn free money on PayPal, and in this article, we will explore some of the most popular methods. Understanding PayPal and Its FeaturesBefore we delve into how to earn free money on PayPal, it is essential to understand how PayPal works and its features. PayPal is a digital wallet that allows you to link your bank account, debit, or credit card and use it to make online transactions. It is secure, fast, and convenient, making it a preferred payment method for many people. PayPal also offers several features, such as buyer and seller protection, which make…

How Long Will My Money Last in Retirement: A Clear Answer

Many people dream of retiring comfortably, but few know how much money they will need to make that dream a reality. The question of how long your money will last in retirement is a crucial one, and the answer depends on several factors. Understanding these factors and taking the necessary steps to plan for retirement can help ensure that you have the financial security you need in your golden years. One of the first steps in determining how long your money will last in retirement is understanding your retirement savings. This includes any retirement accounts you may have, such as a 401(k) or IRA, as well as any other investments or savings you have set aside for retirement. From there, you can begin to calculate how much you will need to live on during retirement and how much you can afford to withdraw each year. By doing so, you can…

How To Negotiate Effectively With Your Insurance Company

Life can come with its share of unpleasant situations, making it essential to always be well-prepared. One great way to do this is through insurance, which acts as a safety net during situations like car accidents. With recent data suggesting that approximately 36,000 car accidents occurred on US roads, knowing how to negotiate with your insurance company is crucial. Getting what you’re owed after such an incident is your legal right, but many insurance companies are not always eager to settle. Fortunately, this article offers some practical insights for navigating the whole accident settlement process using the five tips below.  Understand how insurance companies work Knowing and understanding your insurance company can help make the negotiation process easier, as you’re well-prepared and have an open mind. This way, you’ll be on your guard throughout the settlement process, knowing what kind of offers to expect and how to respond. When your…

5 Reasons To Save More Money Now

No matter who you are, you will make financial mistakes during your life, especially when you’re younger. One of these major mistakes is not saving when you have the chance. As it gets more expensive to live, saving money is essential. You might have ideas and plans for your retirement, such as paying to be able to live in certain 55+ communities. You might consider that you want to spend your later years travelling the world. It comes down to the fact that money is a must in that part of your life. But if that wasn’t a good enough reason, here are five more to kick you into gear and take your finances more seriously.  Financial Independence Is Great If there is one reason and one reason only to save money (there isn’t), it’s that reaching financial independence is amazing. You don’t need to worry about mortgage bills, debts,…

9 Financial Mistakes You Should Never Make

If you’re not making any financial mistakes, you’re in the minority. The vast majority of people are making some form of error with their money, which will ultimately cause them hardship. The issue is that many of us don’t see these mistakes as problems. We believe we’re doing the right thing until someone points out to us that we’re not. That’s where this post can help. We explore some of the financial mistakes you should never make so you can avoid them in the future and protect your wealth. Here’s everything you need to know: Comparing Yourself To Others Comparing yourself to others is a big financial mistake that many people make. They believe they need to have the same things as the individuals in their social circle or wider group of acquaintances to feel acceptable. But, of course, trying to keep up with other people’s lifestyles is challenging. If…

5 Side Hustles for Bloggers

As a blogger, you will likely gain a wealth of skills and knowledge over the years that has helped you improve what you do and how you do it. While blogging can be a therapeutic hobby, it can also be a lucrative side hustle and a great way to earn an income and develop a new career. Blogging has been around for nearly 30 years, and in that time, there have been a wealth of jobs that were even possible or heard of back then. This has opened the doors for people to make money like never before and finally find their dream career if a stuffy 9-5 job in an office doesn’t suit them. But if you are running your own blog, what other transferable skills do you have to help you make money part-time or even full-time? Video Editing Most bloggers will have edited a video once or…
