Beauty and the Beast. How to Get rid of the Ugly

In today’s article, we want to get rid of the ugly using home remedies that are not costly. Things that we can find in the house. We all need beauty products that enhance the skin tone, remove blemishes and spots on the face. For some, they also need to getting rid of irritation and pain but at times the product is not affordable unless you have won a real money jackpot or have won while betting odds . Learn how to substitute with what we already have in our homes?

How to Get Rid of Pimples

Pimples will give you a very ugly appearance and sometimes are painful. A perfect home remedy to get rid of them is to mix and apply avocadoes, lemons and olive. A mixture with half an avocado mixed with lemon juice from one lemon plus a few drops of olive oil will work magic and remove the ugly.

Wash your face after 15 minutes before you got to bed. Keep repeating the procedure until all pimples, blemishes and spots are gone. You can use this remedy as a natural face mask. The procedure is very accurate as it also removes blemishes and spots from your face.


How to Get Rid of Bad Odours

It is bad to be that person sitting next to someone with a bad mouth and body odour. Bicarbonate soda is the perfect remedy to remove bad odours from your mouth and body. As mentioned above, you don’t need a jackpot from casinos, lotto or gambling sites such as for that matter. Here is how you get rid of the ugly mouth smell. Mix half a tablespoon of bicarbonate soda with 400ml of water, gargle for a minute an spit it out. Do this every night before bed and morning before you leave the house.

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Infection

Vaginas are a sensitive issue sometimes very difficult to talk about. But what we can tell is that the irritation is very unbearable and sometimes painful. Therefore one way or the other you will need to consult a medical expert to help you. Therefore it is advisable to consult your doctor before applying the remedy coming next in this article.

Natural Yoghurt is the great weapon to remove the ugly. According to experts, Vaginal yeast is caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called the candida. Vaginal yeast are not STDs hence women of all ages can have an infection.

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