Booty envy is something that many people want to create, but don’t know how to accomplish. It might sound overtly sexual, but it needn’t be. A great booty only works if you are in proportion, physically fit, healthy and stable. A great booty means that you have strong gluteus muscles, and this increasing mobility, your stretch reflex, and gracefully you move.
Many people enjoy training the ‘mirror muscles’ that they see in the gym, especially around summertime, because surely if you look toned and strong in your reflection, you’ll look the same to other people, surely? Unfortunately, this is incorrect. The ‘booty’ emphasis in the heading of this article is not only to train your posterior muscles that might make you popular on Instagram but also to make sure you have a balanced, well-rounded and proportioned physique.
But how do you achieve this?
Without further ado, here are some tips for lower body proportioning:
There is absolutely no better way to build strong legs through cardio than cycling. For this reason, using an exercise bicycle is your greatest option. Check out the pros and cons of the Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike from Sunny Health and Fitness if you’re feeling like purchasing an exercise bike for yourself – the benefits of doing so can be numerous. This isn’t only limited to the fact that you can spend a larger part of your exercising life avoiding gyms that are overcrowded and smell bad.
Weightlifting is the best way you can build sleek muscle. ‘Toning’ is a term you might have heard of for this process. Unfortunately, this is a myth. It’s possible for you to look ‘toned,’ but it’s impossible to ‘tone’ muscle out of fat. Fat is fat, and muscle is muscle. One cannot be converted into the other. If you are worried about the amount of fat you have impeding your ability to have slender legs and a sleek frame, you should first focus on lessening your caloric intake.
Remember to stick by the adage ‘calories in, calories out.’ This is the best way to ensure that you are gaining or losing weight effectively. Measure your height, weight and use a calculator like this one to help you figure out how many calories a day you need to lose weight.
Weightlifting can help you architecturally change the composition of your body – if you do the right exercises. What are those exercises? Well – look no further.
Squatting, especially low-bar squatting, trains something called the posterior chain – which is all of the muscles that keep your spinal erectors in place. It also includes your hip muscles, such as your glutes, your bottom, your hamstrings to name a few. The low bar squat is a complicated movement, but is the most useful one in the weight room by far. Checking out this video of the low-bar squat by famous weightlifting coach Mark Rippetoe is a great place to start if you’ve like to train your lower body power, flexibility and muscle tone.
This exercise is the main way that famous Instagram models train their booty’s to contribute towards exposure and then achieving sponsorship deals; at least in theory. More importantly, it can help reduce the damage from sitting in an office chair during all of your hours of work that has contributed to shoddy hip placement.
Mark Rippetoes ‘Starting Strength’ beginner strength program has managed to help old ladies regain flexibility in their hips and strength in their joints. This allows them to walk relatively unimpeded again, and have the leg strength necessary to stop themselves when they fall. This is a beautiful thing to witness. Just imagine, training now as a relatively healthy young person, you could have a beautiful and very strong frame by the time you become older.
Deadlifting is the second most important exercise in the weightroom for lower-body power. It is simply the best way for a person to train the back muscles and leg muscles. It is the lift in the weightroom in which a lifter can carry the most weight. The deadlift functions in very much the same way as the squat, except your arms, shoulders, and upper back are all being trained isometrically.
The deadlift works as a brilliant supplement to the squat, but also helps trains the limited leg muscles that aren’t contributive in the squatting movement, or can help you begin with hip drive if you have relatively low flexibility that limits squatting itself.
Keep this tips in mind, and you’re sure to create booty and proportional figure envy wherever you go!
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