Social media is the phenomenon of the 21st century, and it shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon. For that reason alone, staying ahead of the curve of what it has to offer is a wise move for anyone. That’s not to mention the fact that you’ll know different ways to make it more fun, easier and more personalized.
It’s easier to see why social media has taken off the way it has. The benefits are big ones, and vast. For starter, it aids communication wonderfully. It has made long distance relationships not only bearable but enjoyable. You can keep in touch with friends and family members, even if they live Canada, and they live on a tiny Thai island! You can also use social media as an expression of yourself. Social media feeds are almost all customizable these days. On Facebook, you can set a cover photo that expresses you. On Twitter, you can pick your own profile color. On Instagram, you can quickly and easily share your own photos with friends and follower. Meanwhile, blogs and vlogs and the people behind them provide a new style of celebrity and advice giving.
It’s easy, therefore, to see why it’s worthwhile knowing what is going on in the industry, and in each of the different sites and areas.
So, let’s take a look at a number of ways that you can upgrade your social media game!
Vlog Subscription
Love watching vlogs from girls like Zoella and Tanya Burr on YouTube? Then sign up to get notified every time you post a new video. This acts as a great reminder to watch them and also helps you keep track of what you have and haven’t seen. You can do this by subscribing to a blogger’s channel. You can tailor how often you get emails, but usually, you’ll want to select the option for every new video. Don’t ignore the other videos YouTube put along the sidebar. YouTube tailor these to your viewing patterns and preferences. So, is there a good chance you’ll like and want to subscribe to these channels too!
Be actively involved
The first point goes for your presence on all and any social media sites. So, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest. Also, blogging sites and vlogging channels on social media. Whatever it is, be present and be actively involved. Being a pacifist and just watching everyone else partake simply won’t be. Create a reputation as someone who is ahead of the game, and people will look to you.
Don’t discount Linkedin
LinkedIn is seen by some as the boring older sibling of social media. Indeed, you can’t post silly cat videos on there. However, it is a fantastic tool for making and developing business contacts. If you have a profile everywhere else, you’d be silly not having one on LinkedIn. The time it takes to build up a sturdy profile is worth it. You never know what opportunities could come about because of it in the future.
Facebook Live Videos
There always seems to be something new going on at Facebook HQ, doesn’t there? Mark Zuckerberg and his pals are always developing and launching something new. One of the most recent launches (successful ones, we mean!), has been Facebook Live videos. Celebs and public figures are using them to put them in touch with their fans and followers in real time. However, so are normal people. If you haven’t heard of Chewbacca Woman by now, you really go need to up your game on social media! Make your own, encourage friends to do the same, and keep an eye open for new ones appearing on your feed.
Snapchat Filters
It may not seem that long ago that snapchat filters didn’t exist, but they sure do now. Access them by holding your finger over your face, or whosoever face who are taking a picture. A
Of course, if you want to get ahead of the curve and do something different to all of your friends, there is another option. Did you know that custom snapchat filters exist too, and you can download them online?
Get Involved Yourself
On the topic of blogs and vlogs, and great way to get ahead of the curve is to get involved yourself and set up your own. Why? Because then you get to set the curve. You can have a hand in influencing people, guiding people and setting trends. Plus, successful blogs and vlogs can be incredibly lucrative!
Go To Blogger Events
If you do want to get more involved in the blogging aspect of social media, how about going to some blogger events. These get more and more common every year, and bigger too!
Work In The Industry
This step is a big one and not one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, if you truly love social media, why not make a future out of it. Or more specifically, a career out of it. Take the role of Social Media Manager, for example. This job role didn’t even exist ten years ago! But now it does, and it is a well-paid and well-respected role too. It is also an important one. Companies of all different shapes and sizes are well aware of how important social media is to the success of a business. In some cases, it can quite literally mean make or break.
After all, if you’re really good at something, and enjoy it, you may as well make money off it! Plus, being in the industry will really put you ahead of the curve. This is because you will be the first person receiving press releases and announcements. Anything about social media initiatives and developments will come to you first. Sure, they might be embargoed for a few days or weeks, but at least you’ll know about it!
Sign Up To Industry Mailing Lists
This may not be the most exciting thing you can do stay ahead of the curve, but it sure is practical! Industry magazines and digital magazines will receive press releases from social media companies. They will receive these well before the general public do. This means that you will find out about the news ahead of others! Signing up to publications like these can also be helpful for other things. For example, ridding yourself of pesky computer problems or reading reputable reviews.
Download Hootsuite For Twitter
Do you use Twitter all the time, but sometimes struggle to keep on top of everything happening over there? After all, it can get pretty hectic! Or, have you just never got the hang of it, fearing it is too complex and busy. Then Hootsuite is the answer. It is a free program that you can download onto your computer that allows you to get everything in order. You can also download it for your phone. You can also personalize it so you have the exact columns you want, and get rid of the ones you don’t need.
Retitle Your Pinterest Posts
If you want to upgrade your Pinterest game, this is the best way. Retitle or rename your Pinterest posts. Pinterest themselves encourage that you title or describe your posts carefully. Doing so makes it easier to find what you are looking for later, and for others to do the same. While you’re at it, do a little tidy up of your Pinterest account. When you get into a pinning spree it can be easy to pop things in the wrong place. Tidy all of your boards up, update the descriptions and you’ll have better Pinterest game instantly!
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