Whether you have an interest in going green or in cutting some chemicals out of your life, being more environmentally conscious at home is a fantastic decision. It can also save you some money. For example, it’s easy to make your own grout cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, and dusting solution using a few simple, affordable ingredients that you might already have around the house. Try these concoctions to go a little greener and keep harmful detergent metabolites and disinfectants out of local streams.
Take a look at the material filling the space between tiles in your bathroom. This is called grout. It’s easy to neglect cleaning this space, and it can trap and hold lots of grime. You can clear it out with a natural cleaner. Just add three parts baking soda to one part water in a spray bottle. Spray the grout with the mixture and let it soak in for a few moments. Then use a stiff brush to give your tiles a like-new shine.
You can clean the rest of your bathroom (and the rest of your house) with an all-purpose cleaner. Just mix nine parts water and one part vinegar in another spray bottle. And to keep your wood surfaces clean and shiny, you need a dusting solution. Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 10 drops of lemon oil, and 2-3 drops of olive oil. Ready to learn more about other easy ways to save money and help the environment? Check out this infographic.
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