There are a million ways to make money, and many of them are simply waiting in your garage. All those things you hold onto for so long that you barely even know they’re there anymore could actually hold some value – and you could make some money selling them online. Here, we’ve put together a list of examples of this you might be able to gain a little extra cash flow from.
- Vintage collections
Depending what it is you have a collection of, selling your old collections can be a great way to make some money, especially if you’re happy to spend some time looking for the right buyer. For example, if you have an old stamp collection then a local museum might be interested in buying it from you, while a fashion museum might be interested in the clothes you inherited from you grandparents. Other collections, like record collections, can even be popular with the general public.
- Sports equipment
People are always interested in sports and wanting to play. However, sports equipment can be expensive so people are often looking for second hand deals in order to pay a little bit less money. So, if you have some old sporting equipment lying around that you no longer use you could sell it at a good price. While this might not bring in an impressive amount if you are just selling badminton rackets or old footballs, if you have something bigger to pass on like a stunt scooter or a high quality bike, this could be a great way to turn your junk into cash.
- Clothes
There are a few different ways you can use clothes to make yourself some money online. One way you can do this is to simply have a clear out at home, and sell on the clothes you no longer want to people who will still find value in them. Another way you could make money from clothes is to scout out your local thrift stores, and pick out pieces you think you could sell for more than you pay for them. This method isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but if you have a good eye you can make some really good profits.
- Technology
The old technology just sitting in your drawer doesn’t have to be just a space waster – you can easily sell it and make yourself some money. You can either sell old technology for scrap or sell it on to stores who can refurbish it and sell it on. Either way, it’s a great way to make some money which you can use for whatever you like – for example you could put it towards a new phone or laptop!
- Furniture
Upcycling-ing is an increasingly popular hobby and pastime for many, but this means that the demand for low cost furniture that it’s easy to make a profit on has also increased. This means that you can make some good money simply by selling your old furniture, or even scrap furniture you have found at car boot sales or charity shops. You can easily sell your finds on Ebay, Facebook marketplace, or many other places.
Now more than ever, we could all do with a little extra money. Hopefully one of the ideas on this list has given you an idea for what you might have lying around that you could sell.
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