Improving Your Personal Finance with Income Diversity

Many of us have created new personal finance goals over the past year in response to the turbulent 18 months that many of us have been through – as things start to settle back into a normal pattern many of these goals will be much easier to reach, but there may certainly still be challenges ahead. Something that as become very clear, however, is that having some diversity in your income will help you feel more secure in the future and there are more options than ever to explore this, and these don’t just include the random chance ways that some have turned to in the past with scratch cards and games at, but more reliable ways that come really bolster where your income comes from.

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Online freelancing is easier than ever – Freelancing has been a go-to option for many looking to take their skills to an online market and to make a little extra on the side, but it can often be difficult to get started with long hours needed to build up a customer base and all of the knowledge that’s often needed to keep things going. Fortunately, platforms like Fiverr have helped to change this and over the past year or two many individuals have been able to build their own business and career from doing so – some even boasting earning six figures per year from the platform. By removing all of the difficulty that comes with freelancing and offering instant exposure through the platform, it’s a great opportunity to get started with if you have transferable skills that can be used for any of the many professional markets on offer.

Marketplaces have been growing too – If you’re more crafty, then you’ll likely have already found lots of opportunities starting to emerge in different online marketplaces with the likes of Etsy being the biggest, and in a very similar story to above there are many who have been able to build a whole business and career through the successes found in the past year or so alone. As the platforms grow it is a little harder to find and emerge with your own creative niche, but there are still a huge number of opportunities left to be explored, and with the same ability to do work on your own time whenever that time can be found, an opportunity to make a lot on the side if held as a second option for income.

There are plenty of other options being explored too such as trading options and holding stocks too which has managed to hit the news in a big way throughout the past eighteen months or so, but much like the casino these are often a big bet, and much less of a guarantee than the other options which have the ability to be much more successful with much less risk.

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