When it comes to email marketing, there are certain aspects that you need to take into consideration in order to make sure that the campaign and the emails themselves are of the highest standard. You will have to decide between a responsive or a non-responsive email design. Email standards are constantly changing, which means that having the right design ends up playing a big role as far as reaching out to a prospect goes.
In order to know which side to pick, you need to have a good understanding of what responsive and non-responsive emails imply. A non-responsive email is a “one size fits all” type, which is built from a template. In the opposite corner, a responsive email is built in such a manner that it will automatically adjust in order to fit the margins of the device that you’re seeing it on – whether it’s a desktop computer, smartphone or tablet.
While you might think that the content is more important than the way things look, you should take into consideration that, according to recent studies, close to 67% of emails get opened on tablets and mobile devices. Having emails that are customized for those devices can be important. Having a responsive layout will offer an overall better experience, and also the likelihood of a problematic designed or a cracked link ends up decreasing once you have a design that is well-crafted.
If you use a non-responsive template for your mailing list, the potential customers that you’re trying to reach might not see parts of the email because they are reading it on their phone or tablet. The text might be too small, issues might arise when it comes to clicking links or buttons, and multiple columns might collide. This adds to an overall unpleasant experience and you might lose a potential customer because of it. What this means is that even if the content of the email is of the highest quality, that becomes irrelevant given that people won’t be able to read it properly.
Another thing to take into consideration when trying to reach out to a prospect is the fact that you have to make the email engaging. There are various ways when it comes to engaging an audience in a meaningful way. It all comes down to building a long-lasting connection, meaning that an email campaign does not imply a single email.
One strategy that companies employ when trying to engage their audience is offering an educational experience or the solution to a problem to their email lists. Some of the ways in which this can be done is by offering e-book courses, weekly webinars, product samples, starter kits, or whitepaper and infographics. Offering something of value that gets the potential customers interested offers you an ‘in’.
E-book courses would have to provide helpful information as a way of introducing your product, and at after a set amount of time (once a week, for example), a new chapter can be sent to the prospect. Weekly webinars can also be a good idea to promote your product, as having video courses designed to teach and provide information is something that can be very appealing to potential customers.
How can DatabaseUSA.com help?
DatabaseUSA.com is a leading provider when it comes to full-service database and email marketing solutions. The platform can provide detailed information on more than 15 million businesses and more than 245 million potential customers. Being in business for almost 9 years, the company made a big impact on the database industry, offering a sophisticated database and features that provide greater depth at a lower cost.
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