Simple Health Hacks for Women

As a woman, you should take care of yourself and of your body. Not only will this make you feel much better about how you look, but it can also help you relax better, sleep better and have a better overall health.

What are some of the best health hacks for women? We have gathered them right below – so read on if you want to find out more.

Plenty of Omega-3

If you want your brain to function at full power and if you want to feel really well-energized, having plenty of omega-3 is really important. Furthermore, it has been proven that these amino-acids can help you have a better heart health and they can also aid in weight loss – so you should definitely make sure to include them in your diet. You will find a lot of Omega-3 acids in fatty fish such as salmon or tuna – but there are plenty of other sources you can take it from too.

Portion your cravings

We all know how awful those PMS cravings can be. Instead of making your life even more miserable, you could simply indulge in your cravings. However, make sure you portion your unhealthy snacks and that you keep them under control. This way, it will be easier for your body to assimilate these foods even if they are not actually good for you – and you will lower their impact on your health status too.

Have fun when working out

Making your workouts as fun as possible will increase the odds that you actually stick to them. First and foremost, you should try to find a workout routine that’s actually entertaining and fun for you. If you don’t like going to the gym, that’s fine – running, cycling and even dancing are perfectly viable options too. Also, make these routines as exciting as possible by creating uplifting playlists to keep your energy up and to help you breathe through the effort.

Water, water, water

You know when they say we’re 70% water? Well, they are right. And they are also right when they say we should have at least 8 glasses of water every day. Keep in mind though: this doesn’t include soda or any other unhealthy drinks, but only fresh water that’s meant to rehydrate your entire body.

If you really hate water and if you find it too plain, infuse it with a few drops of lemon or orange. Also, green tea is a good alternative, but you should make sure not to drink it before going to bed, as it may over-energize you and this will not allow you to sleep properly.

Eat before parties

…or before going grocery shopping.

Have a bite or two before going to a party – it will make it less likely that you over-indulge in unhealthy treats while there. Also, remember to eat before going grocery shopping too, as it will make it much less likely that you impulse-purchase unhealthy items for your body.

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